Note: For the 2024-2025 school year, the PTA Board members don't plan on posting quite as frequently as previous boards. However, we hope you enjoy these archived posts as a way to explore previous PTA work and programming!
First Day of School 22-23!!!
8/29/2022 7:06 pm
We are so excited to be back at school. Here are some wonderful pictures of our students chalking the school and getting it beautiful for our return and lots of happy smiles on the first day back. We hope it's a safe, fun, calm, and wonderful year for our students, teachers and staff.
School Spruce Up Gratitude
8/3/2022 6:31 am
It looks incredible! So thankful for the willingness of this community to get their hands dirty.
Final Lost & Found of the 2021-2022 School Year
6/29/2022 2:30 pm
Links to photos:
The Lost & Found is outside under the breezeway at SCES from now (Wednesday, June 29) until Friday, July 1 around 4 PM.
STEAM Science Fair - May 26 from 10 AM - 2 PM
4/29/2022 12:52 pm
SCES is hosting our first science fair on May 26.
The Fair will feature vendors and presenters representing the sciences, technology, engineering, arts, and math fields.
We have a few open slots for parents interested in presenting at the Fair.
Event Volunteers:
We need volunteers to make the Science Fair a success.
Yearbook Orders
4/25/2022 8:07 pm

PTA Board Elections and Bylaws Vote - May 3
4/21/2022 9:58 am
At our May 3 PTA Meeting, we will hold elections for the PTA Board. We really need your energy and enthusiasm to keep our PTA going!
The bylaws are also up for a vote at the May meeting; please take a look at them here:
- President - position open; we're required to fill this in order for the PTA to function
- Executive Vice President - position open
- Treasurer - position open; we're required to fill this in order for the PTA to function
- Secretary - (filled by Laura Lunardi for one more year, hallelujah!, if the PTA votes for her to continue)
- VP of Events and Fundraising - position open
- VP of Academics (filled by Farah and Nina for one more year, hooray!!, if the PTA votes for them to continue)
- VP of Community Outreach/Communications - position open
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PTA Recruitment Gathering on April 8 at 7 PM - Zinnia
4/4/2022 2:17 pm
Curious about what the PTA Board does at Sligo Creek?
Meet us at Zinnia ( on the patio Friday, April 8 at 7 PM to chat with current PTA board members and committee leads.
Our PTA is known for being active and strong. To keep up the tradition of supporting our students and staff in so many ways, we need members to step into some leadership roles.
Thank You for Making World Culture Day AMAZING!
3/28/2022 1:48 pm
A tremendous thank you to our parent and embassy presenters who made World Culture Day 2022 incredibly fun, interactive, and memorable for the SCES community:
Lydie Bokally and her colleague from the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon
Gladys Chi, Cameroon
Veronica Elizalde, Mexico
Jonathon Lunardi, Italy
Diana Marrero, Cuba
Monica Nermark, Sweden
Murat Ozbek, Turkey
Tanya Primiani, Canada
Natindy Rachmat and her colleagues from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
Aki-Malina Regan, Embassy of Japan
Vic Reklaitis, Lithuania
Andrea Sanchez, Ecuador
Shulamit Schweitzer, Israel
Rosana Vollmerhausen, Thailand
Aki-Malina Regan, Embassy of Japan
Veronica Elizalde, Mexico
Natindy Rachmat and her colleagues from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
Lydie Bokally from the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon
Read MoreWorld Culture Day Poster Prize Winners
3/21/2022 2:29 pm
Thank you to all the 4th and 5th grade students who participated in the World Culture Day poster competition.
There were 41 posters submitted reflecting the many countries, cultural traditions, foods, landmarks, geographic diversity, family traditions, beliefs, languages, school spirit, and more of our student body that enriches the SCES community.
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Welcome to the SCES PTA website.
This site is for information that will help families stay connected within our school community. Register Now!
For security purposes, registration has a few steps.
Watch a walk through video for new members here.
Walking through video for renewing members.
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information?