Note: For the 2024-2025 school year, the PTA Board members don't plan on posting quite as frequently as previous boards. However, we hope you enjoy these archived posts as a way to explore previous PTA work and programming!


You Belong in the SCES PTA!

9/1/2023 1:26 pm


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Celebrating Mr. B

6/19/2023 10:30 am

Mr. Julian B Brinson III, the incomparable Mr. B, is retiring.
If you or your student attended Sligo Creek Elementary School at any point during the past few decades, you without a doubt have a shining memory or two of Mr. B. He's unlike anyone else on this planet. His enthusiasm, his charisma, his unfailing cheer and unbeatable zest for life made every single day at SCES better.
His voice cheered on every student who ever ran in the Salamander Stride. His music and dance moves greeted us in the car circle and made us smile on the grayest of days.
During COVID, many of us stopped our work days to listen in as Mr. B shouted affirmations to our students over jumping jacks: "WOW! Look at you guys! I LOVE YOU GUYS!" and we all felt better. He lifted us up, entire families.
While we didn't have much time to plan for Mr. B's retirement, we managed to pull off a few fun things:
He was bowled over by the life-sized Mr. Brinson that will grace the halls of SCES, giving that famous thumbs up forever! The kids love it and Ms. Brooks wished it a “good morning” when she came up the stairs without her glasses on. 😁
Ms. Urbantke painted the fantastic lettering above the gym last night and the plaque from the PTA dedicating the gymnasium to Mr. B will arrive today. It reads: “The Julian B. Brinson III Gymnasium - Dedicated to the heart of Sligo Creek - “We love you Mr. B!” From every student you inspired 1999-2023.” He was so excited and sent pictures to his wife and family and friends.
Finally, the Tribute video is up and running on a big screen in the gym and we all shed some tears together watching it. He’s so touched by all of the gifts (the t-shirt and plaque in the photo are gifts from families at SCES) and the outpouring of love from the community.
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Celebrating Mr. B

6/19/2023 10:29 am

Mr. Julian B Brinson III, the incomparable Mr. B, is retiring.
If you or your student attended Sligo Creek Elementary School at any point during the past few decades, you without a doubt have a shining memory or two of Mr. B. He's unlike anyone else on this planet. His enthusiasm, his charisma, his unfailing cheer and unbeatable zest for life made every single day at SCES better.
His voice cheered on every student who ever ran in the Salamander Stride. His music and dance moves greeted us in the car circle and made us smile on the grayest of days.
During COVID, many of us stopped our work days to listen in as Mr. B shouted affirmations to our students over jumping jacks: "WOW! Look at you guys! I LOVE YOU GUYS!" and we all felt better. He lifted us up, entire families.
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Time to order your 2022-23 yearbook!

4/27/2023 3:10 pm

Yearbooks are back! The PTA is accepting online orders for the 2022-2023 Sligo Creek ES Yearbook. The cost to purchase a yearbook is $25.00. The last day to purchase a yearbook is May 5, 2023.


The PTA will ensure that all 5th graders receive a yearbook. Orders do not need to be placed for 5th graders, but donations to help offset costs are appreciated. 

Order Your Yearbook Here!


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Sign Up To Volunteer for FIELD DAY!!!

4/26/2023 8:42 pm

Mr. Brinson will be holding the annual SCES field day coming up next month - Thursday May 11th for grades K-2, and Friday May 12th for grades 3-5.  He would love to have many volunteers to help out! 
Please consider giving your time to support this great activity.  If you cannot come for an entire shift, just note in the comments when you are available.  No specific volunteer training is required for this event.
Thank you!
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Spring After School Activities

3/14/2023 12:37 pm

All the after-school activities for Spring 2023 are now available for registration on the kiddo website. Here is the link: Every club will be held on the same day as the winter session. Creative Adventures Art class will not be returning, but there are places for grades 2-5 in the Roundhouse Theatre program also on Mondays, or there's a pottery art class available on Thursdays. If you have any questions please contact

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Spring Session Registration is now open for the Sligo Creek Striders!

3/8/2023 10:56 am

Would your child enjoy running with friends after school?

The PTA-sponsored Sligo Creek Striders after-school run club will:

  • Introduce students to running as a lifelong form of exercise with a focus on participation and self improvement. 
  • Improve social emotional skills and provide opportunities to socialize and bond with other young runners.

The Sligo Creek Striders are gender and ability inclusive for grades K-5. 

We will meet Mondays from 4-5pm at the school track

The Spring Session will run from Monday March 20th until May 22nd. *Note there will be no practice April 3rd or 10th due to spring break.

Cost for the 8 week run club will be $35 and will include a t-shirt and an end of season celebration.


If your child is interested you can sign up here. Spots are limited based on the number of coaches.


We are also recruiting coaches. Can you help? Prior experience running and coaching is NOT necessary! Please email with any questions.
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World Culture Day is coming up March 24 and we need You!

3/8/2023 10:43 am

Our  school's annual World Culture Day event is coming up in a month's time. World Culture Day (WCD) is a parent led and PTA supported schoolwide that we have organized since 2016. WCD showcases the different countries represented in our school community and introduces students to different cultural practices with the goal of nurturing understanding, curiosity, tolerance, respect for each other and for people who come from different countries and/or have different cultural practices than our own. 


Over the years, we have had a combination of parent/family presenters and embassy partners who present to all students during the course of a school day, sharing art, music, clothing, artifacts, food, geography, language, and other aspects of their countries and cultures. 


We invite volunteers to sign up via this SignUp Genius. If you're new to SCES and/or would like to find out more about the event, please email


And, if you, or someone you know, would be interested in sponsoring the event, please check out sponsorship details towards the bottom of the PTA Post and reach out to with any questions. Thank you SCES community!

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Winter Afterschool Enrichment Opportunities

1/6/2023 2:54 pm

Visit to register today! 

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Afterschool Enrichment at SCES

9/4/2022 5:26 pm

Afterschool Enrichment Flyer 2022

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Welcome to the SCES PTA website.  
This site is for information that will help families stay connected within our school community. Register Now!

For security purposes, registration has a few steps.

Watch a walk through video for new members here.

Walking through video for renewing members.

 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information? 

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