Staff Resources

Below is a description of a few ways the SCES PTA can support teachers and staff this year. We hope to continue to support and help you in your work educating our children and making SCES a warm and welcoming place. We welcome your feedback and input as the year progresses on ways we can be of assistance.


Teacher/Staff Reimbursements
Each year the PTA reimburses classroom teachers, specials teachers, support staff, and others for money expended on classroom supplies and resources and for professional development. 

Professional development is defined as “activities that develop an individual’s skills, knowledge, expertise and other characteristics as a teacher or other educator.” 

Please note that the PTA will only reimburse professional development expenses for registration fees and materials only. Travel expenses are *not* covered.  We ask that new skills be shared with other staff members at the earliest possible opportunity.

Please apply for your reimbursements as soon as you have paid for supplies or professional development enrichment. In order to obtain reimbursement for your expenses, **you must submit receipts** -- so please keep them. All requests are due by May of the current school year.


Download the reimbursement request form.


Google form version of reimbursement request form.


To support projects proposed by teachers to benefit students, the PTA offers a mini-grant program.  We are particularly interested in supporting academic enrichment opportunities that combine projects for Immersion-Academy-HFA students. Mini-grants are approved by the principal and a vote at PTA meetings.


The PTA will review mini-grant applications three times during the school year, at the end of each marking period.


Please complete the grant application and submit it to, or leave it in the PTA mailbox in the main office. An acknowledgement of receipt of your application will be emailed to you once the PTA has received it. The PTA executive board will review applications in groups at the end of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters, and we will let you know whether your application has been approved or not as quickly as we can after that review.


Download the application form.





Welcome to the SCES PTA website.  
This site is for information that will help families stay connected within our school community. Register Now!

For security purposes, registration has a few steps.

Watch a walk through video for new members here.

Walking through video for renewing members.

 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information? 

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Sligo Creek Elementary School website

Sligo Creek Educational Foundation

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