Sligo Creek Elementary School
After-School Enrichment Programs
**Note to families of new and returning students: the PTA coordinates programming run by certain outside vendors with the help of the Little Scholars program. These classes/clubs shift throughout the year and are run in 3 sessions (Fall, Winter, and Spring). The PTA also sponsors its own programs - currently, and most notably - the Run Club. Other vendors schedule after school programming themselves - an option available to them because of how MCPS manages its facilities. In the past, those vendors have included Panda Programmer, Instrumental Music Lessons, Basketball, Karate, Girls on the Run, etc. Parents are usually notified of these outside programs via flyers that come home with your child. The PTA is not involved in coordinating or resourcing these programs.**
Winter Enrichment 2025
Classes run for 8 weeks and begin in late January.
Note the dates for no classes on the flyer below, which vary based on the day of the week.
Afternoons, 4:15-5:15pm
Register here; January 7-14
Looking for scholarship information? Complete the scholarship form.

For any questions about the after-school enrichment programs, please contact:
The Salamander Stride 2024 PTA fundraising campaign is live. Learn more here, or donate below!
Welcome to the SCES PTA website.
This site is for information that will help families stay connected within our school community. Register Now!
For security purposes, registration has a few steps.
Watch a walk through video for new members here.
Walking through video for renewing members.
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information?