Our Mission

The Sligo Creek Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA), a member of the Free State PTA, strives to be a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education.

©2021 by Free State PTA


Board Positions

These are the formal descriptions of the board positions; depending on the number of positions filled and the needs of the PTA, many responsibilities are shared.



The by-laws of the SCES PTA can be found here.


2024-2025 PTA Board


Co- President - Christine Reklaitis & Rosarie (Ro) Tucci  |  president@scespta.org  

Executive Vice President - Oma Akuya | vicepresident@scespta.org  

Secretary - Patrick Uduebor  |  secretary@scespta.org

Treasurer - Krissy Rice |  treasurer@scespta.org  

Co-VPs Academic Affairs - Dawn Naser & Justin Prud'homme  |  academics@scespta.org

Co-VPs Events & Fundraising - Gargi Parikh & Gladys Chi  |  events@scespta.org  

Co-VPs Community Outreach/Communications - Helen Rubeiz & Justine Lassman  |  communications@scespta.org  









Updated: July 14, 2024







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This site is for information that will help families stay connected within our school community. Register Now!

 If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information? 

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