2019 Geo Bowl is Happening

1/16/2019 5:01 pm

Hello 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade families,


Thank you to everyone who has helped with the Geo Bowl thus far. This is a big effort that is wholly coordinated and carried out by volunteers. We had a great number of completed packets returned for correcting - well over 130! I’ve gotten some feedback about possible sloppiness when correcting packets so I thought I would attach a copy of a completed packet for anyone who wants to have one. This will also serve those whose packets have gotten misplaced along the way.


The quiz is next Thursday, January 24 first thing in the morning. Everything on the quiz comes from the packet. Teams will be announced the week of January 28 and the Geo Bowl itself is February 28.


If you can help score quizzes, I will need people Thursday AM. We grade all the quizzes at school right after they are collected. I expect it to take until 11 or so to complete. Of course, many hands make light work so more volunteers to score the faster it goes. Please contact me off list if you are interested in helping. Thanks!


Anne Neill thedcneills@gmail.com



Completed Geo Bowl Packet





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