Cold Weather Gear Swap is Coming!

9/19/2023 2:27 pm

What is the Sligo Creek Elementary School Cold Weather Gear Swap?

It’s a chance to exchange your too-small cold weather gear for some gently
used items to keep your student(s) warm and cozy in the months to come.
The swap is FREE and open to everyone from Sligo Creek Elementary School.
Come have a cup of cider with us and chat while “shopping” the swap.
Keep clothes out of the landfill and find some cute gear for your kiddo(s)!

Do I need to bring something to take part in the swap?

No! You don’t need to bring any clothing or gear to participate. Just bring your
student(s) to try on items and take what you can use.


What items can I bring to the swap, if I have things to donate?

Please share cold weather items that
are in good condition with no major rips,
holes or stains, including:
• Coats
• Rain jackets or other light jackets
• Sweaters and sweatshirts
• Winter hats
• Gloves
• Scarves
• Winter boots


What if I see something that belongs to my student at the swap?

Because the clothing came in part from
last year’s Lost & Found, you may see
something you recognize. If you can still
use it, great! Please take it home with you.
If you no longer need the item and you’re
able to leave it for another student to enjoy,
please feel free to do that.



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