Are you ready for the 2024 Salamander Stride?!
The Salamander Stride is the singular fundraising event that helps to fund the majority of the PTA budget for the year! Our goal this year is $38,000 - we did it last year and we can do it again with your help!
WHEN: Save the date for the Salamander Stride on Friday, November 1.
WHERE: The SSIMS track!
WHAT: Students will run, walk and stride during their specials class times on that day.
WHO (You!): The community is invited to participate, and we encourage you to sign up to volunteer - it's a great way to participate in our community!
Fundraising: Don't delay in starting your fundraising! More information can be found online. Please be sure to use your student's unique web link when soliciting contributions, which you will find after you login or create your account at this link.
Did we mention prizes? There will be prizes for fundraising by student and class, and a special prize will be awarded for the class that shows the most team spirit.
We hope you share our excitement for this special event. If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to us at
Let's make this event a BIG success!
Laura Fruge and Katey Prudhomme
Salamander Stride co-chairs