Originally delivered on 10/2/2024 7:00 pm

SUBJECT: SCES PTA Post October 2 - 16, 2024

October 2-16, 2024

Important Upcoming Dates:

October 3No School
October 4Back to School Social **5:00-7:00pm**
October 9Walk to School Day
October 9Board of Education Candidate Forum
October 18No School 
November 1Salamander Stride
November 5No School

This newsletter is compiled by the Sligo Creek Elementary School (SCES) PTA. To ensure that you receive the PTA Post, please subscribe directly under your profile on the PTA website. Previous issues of the newsletter are available on the PTA website here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter.

2024 PTA Membership Drive

We are happy to announce that the PTA membership drive brought a total of 272 (and counting) new members! 

THANK YOU to everyone for your commitment and support of the Sligo Creek PTA this year!  

Membership Drive Raffle Update: Congrats to the lucky winners!

Emily & John Fitzgerald: Panda Programmer Session

Lindsay & Brendan Foley: Starbucks Gift Card

Christine Jessup: Starbucks Gift Card

*If you missed the membership drive, not to worry. You can still join!

How do I sign up?

Watch this video for a step-by-step tutorial on how to register.

NEW: Walk through video for renewing members.

If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.
Sign-up link: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/whyregister

Join here! OR scan the QR Code for easy sign up.

Quick Hits from the PTA
  • Spirit Wear has been ordered and we’ll begin distribution in a few weeks once the order comes in.  We raised approximately $1200 in funds and the school will be colored in blue salamander school spirit! Thanks so much to Tracy! 
  • And check out the new PTA flyer, which gives a sense of multiple ways the PTA adds to our community!  Thanks for making this, Jen!
New PTA Flyer
The Health Room Needs Clothing Donations

The school counselor, Ms. Vedemia is asking for gently used or new clothing donations for the Health Room, especially for kindergarten and first grade male identifying students (5T-10/12). Pants, T-shirts, and socks are needed. Any size/any color are most welcome.

Urgent: Classroom in Need of a Room Parents!

If you are a confirmed room parent, please email roomparent@scespta.org if you haven't done so already. The PTA Co-Room Parent Coordinators will add you to the necessary lists and be in touch soon to organize an orientation meeting!

We are still in need of two room parents for the following class:

4th Grade

Jennifer Saunders

Welcome Back Social on October 4th

SCES is having its annual WELCOME BACK SOCIAL event Friday, October 4, 2024.

This is a fun event for the whole family complete with food trucks, bounce houses, games and so much more. It’s a great way to connect with the SCES community. 

WHEN: October 4th - SCES playground 

HOURS: 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM

We are also in in need of some volunteers for the day of the event. We need help between 4:45 and 8:00 pm. Please take a peek at the SignUp Genius HERE to learn more. If you have questions, please email events@scespta.org.

Thank you!

Gargi and Gladys


Walk To School Day! Wednesday October 9th

The 28th annual Walk & Roll to School Day is coming up on Wednesday October 9, 2024! Join us and children and adults around the world as we enjoy the benefits of walking and find safe routes to school.

Walk to School Day is an international annual event that promotes physical activity, teaches safe pedestrian skills, reduces traffic congestion near schools, promotes concern for the environment, and shares time as a community together. 

Walk or roll as a group on 10/9 to SCES as part of a walking school bus! Invite your neighbors to walk together and meet us at 8:45am at the car circle before school starts to enjoy a healthy snack and stickers and celebrate walking to school!

If you have questions about the event, email wellness@scespta.org

Salamander Stride on November 1st!

Are you ready for the 2024 Salamander Stride?!

The Salamander Stride is the singular fundraising event that helps to fund the majority of the PTA budget for the year! Our goal this year is $38,000 - we did it last year and we can do it again with your help! 

WHEN: Save the date for the Salamander Stride on Friday, November 1. 

WHERE: The SSIMS track!  

WHAT:  Students will run, walk and stride during their specials class times on that day. 

WHO (You!): The community is invited to participate, and we encourage you to sign up to volunteer - it's a great way to participate in our community! 

Fundraising: Don't delay in starting your fundraising! More information can be found online. Please be sure to use your student's unique web link when soliciting contributions, which you will find after you login or create your account at this link

Did we mention prizes? There will be prizes for fundraising by student and class, and a special prize will be awarded for the class that shows the most team spirit. 

We hope you share our excitement for this special event. If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to us at stride@scespta.org. 

Let's make this event a BIG success!


Laura Fruge and Katey Prudhomme

Salamander Stride co-chairs

Subcommittee on One Community for School Unification: Volunteers Needed

The PTA is looking for volunteers to build connections amongst the diverse communities at SCES including the Academy, French Immersion, Spanish and Amharic language speakers and more. If you think you might be interested in participating, please reach out to Ro Tucci at rosarie.tucci@gmail.com.

Volunteers Needed for Lost and Found at SCES!

The PTA is looking for volunteers to help try to return lost belongings to their owners. If you have a little time to donate, please contact Bora Haik at bchu02@gmail.com or Elizabeth Oppenheimer elisabeth.oppenheimer@gmail.com.

Lost and Found NEW Process – Please be sure to look for your kiddos lost items, they are waiting for you in the school cafeteria. They will remain there until October 31.  All items remaining after 10/31 will be donated. 

Stock the Staff Lounge

Thank you to all who already donated to help stock the staff lounge with snacks and drink, it means the world to our teachers and staff community. The staff appreciation committee will plan to continue to stock the staff lounge every Monday.

The easiest way to contribute is to order off our Amazon Wish List as items will be sent directly to Claire Darby's house. But if you don’t want to go the Amazon route, just reach out to Claire directly and we can figure out a time and place for you to drop off snacks.
Many thanks!

Claire Darby + Ashley Briefel co-chairs of the Staff Appreciation Committee

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Follow-us on Instagram: @Socialsligocreekespta

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