The Fall season brings thoughts of cooler weather, changing leaves and apple picking. For our Sligo Creek community, it also ushers in the Salamander Stride! Mark your calendars for Friday, October 20, when our students will take to the SSIMS track and field for our annual Fun Run. We hope you will help to make this event a great success!
What is the Salamander Stride?
It’s a Fun Run for the whole school and a fundraiser for the PTA. The Stride is a non-competitive event that encourages physical activity and aligns with the school’s purpose of educating and celebrating the kids. It is also a great community event for students, teachers, and administrators—and, of course, parents, guardians, and family members who are able to support our students.
How does this event work?
Students will seek pledges from family, friends, and neighbors to support their effort on Stride day. They will then run during their Specials classes on Friday, October 20. Check out our webpage for more detailed information. Students, classes and grades can earn prizes through their participation in various ways.
Our successful Salamander Stride history has enabled us to eliminate the need for other PTA fundraisers, like selling wrapping paper or candy.
Will all kids participate?
Yes! This is a schoolwide event and every student who is able to run, walk or roll is encouraged to participate. We know there may be some students whose families and friends are not able to pledge money, and that's okay - everyone participates in the way they are able.
What next?
Follow the instructions and set up your student's fundraising page. Make sure you check your "Parent and Student Information" link to ensure your student's correct grade and class are listed to them so their correct class gets credit for their efforts this year! Share your page with friends, family and neighbors!
If parents would like to help volunteer for the Stride, please fill out this form and we'll find a job for you!
Thank you for helping to make this event a success! We will stay in touch to keep you updated on our collective progress!