Originally delivered on 2/27/2024 5:17 pm

SUBJECT: SCES PTA Post: Week of Feb 26, 2024

Week of February 12th 2024

Important Upcoming Dates:

March 1Half Day- 1:20 Dismissal
March 5
In person PTA meeting at 7pm
March 22
World Culture Day


This is the e-newsletter compiled by the Sligo Creek Elementary School (SCES) PTA of the school year. To ensure that you receive the PTA Post, please subscribe directly under your profile on the PTA website. We encourage all SCES families to sign up. Previous issues of the newsletter are available on the PTA website here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter..

We encourage all Sligo community members, including parents, guardians, teachers, staff, and family members, to join the PTA. You can join the PTA via the PTA website at https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/ 

If you know community members who would be interested in but did not receive this newsletter, please forward!


Para leer el boletin, de click con el boton derecho del raton (mouse). Elija "traducir" seleccionando "espanol". Use el navegador the internet Google Chrome o MIcrosof Edge.  


Pour lire le bulletin en français, ouvrez avec le navigateur Internet Chrome ou Microsoft Edge. Faites un clic droit et choisissez "Traduire" puis sélectionnez le français. 


Minutes from PTA Meetings are posted online here:


In Person PTA Meeting, Tuesday March 5 at 7pm

Please join us for the March PTA meeting this Tuesday March 5 at 7pm in the Media Center.  There will be an opportunity to get to know other SCES families and speak with staff about our wonderful school and ask questions.  

If you would like to join via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 931 2147 1349  
Passcode: SD6q4p

Geobowl was a Wonderful Success

Jeremy Kanthor hit it out of the park again with a fantastic GeoBowl! (On his birthday, no less. ) Thanks to Jeremy, Dawn Naser, Vero Elizalde McCartt, John Kent, Rick and Pavy Bacon, Tanya Primiani, Brenna Thibault and everyone else who set up study sessions and worked with your students to make this an exciting, enriching event again this year.

 Thank you to all the participants who worked so hard to learn about the Americas!

What is the Outdoor Classroom?

We want to make sure families know about this wonderful resource we are lucky to have at SCES, the Outdoor Classroom.  The Outdoor Classroom in the courtyard shared between Sligo Creek Elementary School (SCES) and Silver Spring International Middle School (SSIMS) is a unique feature used for outdoor learning experiences at both schools. There are garden beds for vegetables, a pollinator meadow, a stage and classroom seating with more areas in progress.  This spring we are growing garlic and the 1st graders will be learning in this space weekly. The Outdoor Classroom Coordinator is Mitch Greene.  This is a stipended position funded through the Sligo Creek Education Foundation.  Be on the lookout for a Outdoor Classroom Family work day to help maintain this beautiful space.

Show your appreciation for our SCES staff!

A reminder that we need your help to keep the SCES lounge stocked for our teachers and staff. We were told our staff members have a sweet tooth and particularly love Coke Zero!

You can contribute snacks or coffee by ordering off our Amazon wish list!

We would also love to provide our teachers and staff with drinks, creamer for coffee, and—if possible—fresh fruit. If you'd like to contribute any of those the Sign Up Genius makes it easy to help stock up staff lounge. Once you sign up, just bring items by Claire Darby's house (after sending her an email) the week or weekend prior to your sign-up date.

Claire Darby + Ashley Briefel, co-chairs of the Staff Appreciation Committee

SCES is always looking for parent volunteers!

If you are interested in volunteering at Sligo Creek during lunch, recess, or in the main office, please visit the MCPS website for steps on becoming a MCPS volunteer, and notify Lisa Brooks at Lisa_L_Brooks@mcpsmd.org after completing the process. Parents are always welcome and appreciated!!!! 

Ms. Nesmith informed us that they are also happy to have volunteers in the classroom.  If you are interested in this, please check first with your child's teacher.  Since you will be in the classroom with the teacher, you do not have to complete all the steps to volunteer.

Donate books for our Book Share in the Spring

Every spring we give away thousands of books to all Sligo Creek Elementary students, and those books come largely from our families. If you have books appropriate for elementary-aged students (in English or French!!), please contact Carrie Callaghan (carecalla@gmail.com) to arrange for drop off at her house near the school. Or you can hang onto the books until May when we will have donations bins placed in the school.

*Please no religious books, which includes books about Christmas, Easter, Hanukah, etc.

Social Media

Find us on Facebook at:


Did you know that SCES PTA has an Instagram account? Please follow us for fun stories and updates from our SCES community!  #jointhecommunity #sligocreekelementaryschool 


Find us on Instagram at:


Easy Ways to Support SCES


Scan Receipts for BOX TOPS  

1. Download the BOX TOP$ for Education App  

2. Select Sligo Creek Elementary School (zip code 20910).  

3. Look for the BOX TOP$ logo when shopping.  

4. Scan your grocery receipts within 14 days of purchasing.


Mabel's Labels  

If you find yourself needing some personalized name labels, please consider supporting this fundraiser, and the PTA will earn 20% from your purchase! Your labels will ship to your house for free. They're great for lunch boxes, backpacks, clothes, shoes -- you name it!  

To purchase, go to campaigns.mabelslabels.com and search for "Sligo Creek ES PTA." 

This fundraiser will run continuously, so it will be there whenever you have a labeling need.

AmazonSmile, BoxTops, CocaCola GIVE and Harris Teeter logos
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