Originally delivered on 12/11/2023 7:00 am

SUBJECT: SCES PTA Post: December 11-22 2023

Week of December 11-December 22, 2023

Important Upcoming Dates:

December 11-15SCES Scholastic Book Fair
December 14Winter Concert, 7:00-8:00pm.
December 25- January 2No School, Winter Break


This is the e-newsletter compiled by the Sligo Creek Elementary School (SCES) PTA of the school year. To ensure that you receive the PTA Post, please subscribe directly under your profile on the PTA website. We encourage all SCES families to sign up. Previous issues of the newsletter are available on the PTA website here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter..

We encourage all Sligo community members, including parents, guardians, teachers, staff, and family members, to join the PTA. You can join the PTA via the PTA website at https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/ 

If you know community members who would be interested in but did not receive this newsletter, please forward!


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Pour lire le bulletin en français, ouvrez avec le navigateur Internet Chrome ou Microsoft Edge. Faites un clic droit et choisissez "Traduire" puis sélectionnez le français. 


Minutes from PTA Meetings are posted online here:


A Recap of Not-Your- Typical PTA Meeting

We has a wonderful time last Tuesday constructing a banned book display that will be featured at our book fair. A large thank you to Ellen Mowry for helping organize this part of the event.

We were so lucky to learn West African Dancing with Kalon Hayward. Thank you to Gladys Chi for arranging Kalon's visit! Wrapping the evening with a bit of PTA business and discussion.  

For those who joined us for the first time, thank you for coming out and participating in the PTA meeting; we hope you'll come again in January!   Notes and the amended budget will be available shortly on the PTA website.  

In the meantime, enjoy a few photos from the evening's activities below, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday, January 8 for the next meeting (if not before)! 


SCES Scholastic Book Fair 2023!

The Book Fair is taking place this week, December 11-15 with a night on Dec 12th from 6-8pm.  

Our goal is to make sure all students can get books and to provide a huge selection that celebrates diversity and inclusion.

There are still plenty of spots available to volunteer.   Please sign up here to join!  

The children will be able to purchase books at any point during the week.  They will have an opportunity to visit the book fair with their class throughout the week.

Scholastic books can be paid for by cash, credit card, check, or e-wallet.  We are encouraging families to set up e-wallets for scholastic books. This is the easiest way for your child to not have to carry cash and be able to purchase what they would like.  Here is the website where you can sign up for e-wallets for scholastic only: 


Bonjour Books will be providing books in French for our students.  To pay for these books, you can only use cash or credit card.

Parents are welcome to come and shop throughout the day during the Book Fair. You do not need to sign up for a slot, just sign into the main office.  If you have any questions, please contact bookfair@scespta.org

SCES Winter Concert, Dec. 14th

The Sligo Creek Winter Concert for Students, Parents and Staff will be held on Thursday, December 14 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 

The concert will feature the Fourth and Fifth Grade Chorus, the Orff Ensemble and the Dance Teams! This evening performance will be held in the Gymnasium.

Can you help volunteer for the Staff Holiday Lunch on Thursday, December 21?

The PTA sponsors a holiday staff lunch as a "Thank You." We are looking for some parents' to help make this run smoothly and the teachers love seeing the parents helping out.  If you have some time to give on Thursday December 21 between the hours of 10:30-2 that would be great.  You do not have to be available the whole time, whatever you can give is appreciated.  Please contact Ashley Briefel ashley.ann.briefel@gmail.com if you can join!

The 2024 SCES GeoBowl will be held on February 23!

What is the GeoBowl?  The GeoBowl is a geography quiz team competition for SCES 3rd, 4th and 5th graders.  Students who register to enter the GeoBowl use a study guide to learn about this year’s continents – The Americas.  Students will be assigned to grade level teams and they work together to prepare for the competition.  On February 23 the teams will compete together to answer questions in a quiz competition.  It is a great opportunity for students to learn about geography and work as part of a team. 

The 2024 GeoBowl will be conducted in both French and English.  French Immersion students will receive a French language study guide and all questions and answers will be in French.

How do I register my student?  Please complete this Registration Form to sign up your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade student.  Please register by December 31.

Team assignments will be circulated in early January to everyone who registers.

What information about The Americas is included in the GeoBowl?  Only information in the packet will be included in the GeoBowl quiz and all information in the study packet is fair game.  The French GeoBowl will be conducted entirely in French. Soft and hard copy study guides will be available during in early January – please request hard copies in the registration form.

An answer key to the study guide will be circulated the week of February 5 to ensure students are studying the correct answers.

How can I volunteer to help?  Volunteers are most welcome!  Parents can organize team study sessions during lunch periods or after school (on Zoom).  We will also need assistance for organizing the GeoBowl on February 23.  Please contact Jeremy Kanthor jtkanthor75@gmail.com if you’re interested in volunteering.

If you have any questions, please contact Jeremy Kanthor jtkanthor75@gmail.com

Family Assistance for the Holiday Season

If any families need any sort of assistance during the Holiday Season such as food support, winter coats, hats, gloves, etc., please reach out to our Guidance Counselor, Ms. Vendemia at  Camille_R_Vendemia@mcpsmd.org.  Part of the PTA's mission is to work with the school to help support all of our families of our community.  

Winter Session for Little Scholars after school Enrichment Update

The winter schedule for the Little Scholars After-school Enrichment will come out after we return from winter break, with sign-ups starting in mid-January and programs beginning in late January or early February.

If you have any input on activities and future programs, please fill out the google questionnaire After School Activities Questionnaire or contact Christine Reklaitis: afterschool@scespta.org

SCES is always looking for parent volunteers!

If you are interested in volunteering at Sligo Creek during lunch, recess, or in the main office, please visit the MCPS website for steps on becoming a MCPS volunteer, and notify Lisa Brooks at Lisa_L_Brooks@mcpsmd.org after completing the process. Parents are always welcome and appreciated!!!!

Social Media

Find us on Facebook at:


Did you know that SCES PTA has an Instagram account? Please follow us for fun stories and updates from our SCES community!  #jointhecommunity #sligocreekelementaryschool 


Find us on Instagram at:


Easy Ways to Support SCES


Scan Receipts for BOX TOPS  

1. Download the BOX TOP$ for Education App  

2. Select Sligo Creek Elementary School (zip code 20910).  

3. Look for the BOX TOP$ logo when shopping.  

4. Scan your grocery receipts within 14 days of purchasing.


Mabel's Labels  

If you find yourself needing some personalized name labels, please consider supporting this fundraiser, and the PTA will earn 20% from your purchase! Your labels will ship to your house for free. They're great for lunch boxes, backpacks, clothes, shoes -- you name it!  

To purchase, go to campaigns.mabelslabels.com and search for "Sligo Creek ES PTA." 

This fundraiser will run continuously, so it will be there whenever you have a labeling need.

AmazonSmile, BoxTops, CocaCola GIVE and Harris Teeter logos
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