Originally delivered on 9/20/2022 7:52 am

SUBJECT: SCES PTA Post September 19 2022

Week of September 19-24

Important Upcoming Dates:

September 21
Salamander Stride Planning Call (7:00p) - Zoom
September 26Holiday - No School
September 30
Early Release Day (at 1:20p)
October 6PTA Meeting (7:00p - 8:30p) - In Person
October 10
Breakfast With Loved Ones (9:00a)
October 21Salamander Stride

To ensure that you receive the PTA Post, please subscribe directly under your profile on the PTA website. We encourage all SCES families to sign up. Previous issues of the newsletter are available on the PTA website here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter

We encourage all Sligo community members, including parents, guardians, teachers, staff, and family members, to join the PTA. You can join the PTA via the PTA website at https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/ 

If you know community members who would be interested in but did not receive this newsletter, please forward!


Para leer el boletin, de click con el boton derecho del raton (mouse). Elija "traducir" seleccionando "espanol". Use el navegador the internet Google Chrome o MIcrosof Edge.  


Pour lire la newsletter en français, ouvrez-la à l'aide du navigateur Internet Chrome ou Microsoft Edge. Faites un clic droit et choisissez "Traduire" puis sélectionnez le français. 


።berarÄ« werek’etuni be’āmarinya lemanibebi ye Chrome yebeyinemerebi āsashi bemet’ek’emi yikifetuti ፡፡ bek’enyi t’ek’i yadirigu ina “terigumi” ni merit’ewi kezÄ«ya āmarinyani yimiret’u።    

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The PTA Post is online here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter 

Minutes from PTA Meetings are posted online here:


Reconnecting through NAACP At SCES

We want to hear from you. What has been your experience at Sligo Creek Elementary school.  The NAACP and parent council representative strive to offer assistance, guidance, and support for African American families and families of color pursue the highest quality education in MCPS.

Fill out form here

Upcoming School Events

Breakfast With Loved Ones

The PTA welcomes all of our students to bring a special grownup to school for breakfast on October 10 followed by an Open House where parents and caregivers catch a glimpse of what goes on in their student's classroom. Come join us!

Salamander Stride

Save the Date! Volunteers needed and Planning Call this Wednesday.

Mark your calendars for the Salamander Stride, coming up on Friday, October 21! 

The Salamander Stride is the signature fundraising event for our school PTA and fuels all the "extras" that make Sligo Creek special. Please consider volunteering your time and talents to make this event a success. Join a planning call this Wednesday, September 21 at 7:30pm via Zoom. For more details, please email Laura Fruge at stride@scespta.org

Those interested in volunteering can also sign up through the QR code to the left.

Thank you! 

Nutritious Lunches

Nutritious lunches are key! Here are some tips for packing a healthier school lunch as well as some inspiring recipes to get your school year off to the right start. (adapted from Samantha Cassetty, RD)

  • Whole grain pasta
  • Sunflower seed or nut butter 
  • Hummus
  • Tahini
  • Guacamole
  • Greek yogurt
  • Whole wheat bread or one side whole wheat the other white
  • Turkey or ham roll-ups
  • Peppers
  • Colby cheese sticks 

Back to School Nutrition @NutritionRites

Afterschool Programming

Registration has closed for:

  • Afterschool Karate
  • Funky Forces and More!
  • Theatrical Adventures (Both Sessions)

Registration opportunities remain available (as of publishing) for all other classes

Programación Después de la Escuela

MARTES DE 4:00PM A 5:00 PM
After School Art Program con Creative Adventures
(8 - clases. Kindergarten a 5to grado / del 4 de Octubre al 15 de Noviembre)
*Se require un mínimo de 10 estudiantes y máximo de 25 estudiantes
** 10% descuento para herman@s
Cost $180 (dos becas disponible)
Los alumnos harán un nuevo proyecto cada semana usando una gran variedad de materiales y técnicas. Aprenderán acerca de reconocidas obras de arte y sus creadores. Así los estudiantes estarán listos para dejar volar su creatividad.


  1. Hip Hop con Message in Motion
    (Kindergarten a 5to grado / del 21 de Septiembre al 14 de Diciembre)
    *Se require un mínimo de 10 estudiantes y máximo de 18 estudiantes
    Cost $240 (una beca disponible)
    Será una clase energética para bailar, los estudiantes aprenderán los pasos fundamentales de break dance, técnicas de popping y locking así como freezes, además de icónicos movimientos de hip hop como cabagge patch, la ola, la víbora y más!
    La clase se enfatiza en ritmo y estilo, expresión corporal y coreografía, acondicionamiento y más diversión. La clase concluira con una presentación informal al terminar.

  2. Chess Club con Magnus Chess Academy
    (Kindergarten a 5to grado / del 12 de Octubre al 21 de Diciembre)
    Cost $179 (una becas disponible)
    Silver Knights floreció cuando dos hermanos crecieron jugando ajedrez. Ellos decidieron compartir con niños enseñando el juego de ajedrez. Así después de 10 años impartiendo cursos en varias escuelas han hecho mancuerna con Magnus Carlsen, un ganador del título Mundial de Ajedrez.
    La clase está dividida en lecciones y sesiones de práctica y juego. Todos los materiales son provistos y todos los niveles de juego son bienvenidos.

JUEVES DE 4:00PM A 5:00 PM
Pottery class con Mudskippers Pottery
(Kindergarten a 5to grado / del 22 de Septiembre al 10 de Noviembre)
Cost $185 (una beca disponible)
¡Únete a nosotros y comparte el excitante mundo de la cerámica! Los estudiantes participarán y crearán sus propios diseños.  Los alumnos trabajarán  con sus manos y harán el moldeado y el proceso de glaseado. Cada asignatura esta inspirada por reconocidas cerámicas que ayudará a volar la creatividad. Todas las piezas serán horneadas en nuestro estudio y podrán ser utilizadas en hornos y lavadas en lavadora de trastes. Ven y verás por qué esta clase es tan popular!

Sligo Creek Striders (Running Club)

Would your child enjoy running with friends after school? A PTA sponsored after school run club called the Sligo Creek Striders kicked off this week! Sligo Creek Striders is gender and ability inclusive for grades K-5 with a minimal cost ($0-35 range, final cost still TBD).

The Striders met for the first time on Monday, Sept 19 and will run until November 7th (~8 weeks). The club will be held two days a week for 1 hour directly after school at the SSIMS track. There are two coaches per 15 students and grades are grouped K-1, 2-3 and 4-5. The run club will use the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Kids Run the Nation program/curriculum.

Please email sligocreekstriders@gmail.com with any questions or to let us know you are interested in assisting or your children participating.


Thank You!

Thank you to Vero Elizalde and John Kent for organizing a fantastic Welcome Back Social!

Thank you to Kotrina Aldag for graciously volunteering to coordinate updates to the school's marquis sign!

Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month runs from mid-September to mid-October - Montgomery County Public Libraries is running various programs you can find at



New SCES PTA Instagram Account

The PTA has a new Instagram account  @socialsligocreekespta or you can follow the hyperlink below or QR code to the left

Helpful Tips

Volunteering In School

If you are interested in volunteering at SCES, MCPS requires you (in most circumstances) to complete certain compliance measures in order to volunteer within the school district. Information regarding those measures can be found at


Major platforms you need an account for with MCPS for elementary school

1. ParentVUE: how to access grades and a route for emailing teachers.  It is also vital that you have the correct email address with ParentVUE so the school can reach you with communications, which come from NoReply Synergy or Blackboard.   

2. Canvas/MyMCPSClassroom — separate from ParentVUE, but you must access it through your ParentVUE account. It gives alerts about assignments and grades — and you can see a bit more into what’s due in each classroom. This is for those who want a deeper dive into what is going on for their students and perhaps an earlier heads up about how things are going in the classroom.  

3.AlertMCPS: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/emergency/alertmcps.aspx  This provides information about school closures or other emergencies.  

4. School Cash Online: https://www.schoolcashonline.com — all school financial obligations outside of cafeteria meals.

5. My School Bucks — https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home  This year, meals (lunch and breakfast) will not be universally free.  If you are not a FARMS family (free or reduced price meals based on economic circumstances), and your student wants to buy lunch in school, they will need a mybucks account with money in it. 

Additional Resources

The MCPS Fall 2022 School Reopening guide is available at:


Stock the Staff Lounge

Please help us show appreciation for our amazing teachers by providing snacks and drinks to Stock the Staff Lounge!

Please sign up here: 


Items can be dropped off or mailed to Katie Ryan, co-chair of the PTA Teacher Appreciation Committee (along with Tracie Siddiqui) who will coordinate delivery to school. Please contact her at katevdk@gmail.com or 240-676-2543 for the address.  If you would like to have items shipped, please check out this Amazon wishlist for items that can be sent directly to Katie: 


Thank you!

Easy Ways to Support SCES

SCES has received more than $500 from AmazonSmile so far this year. Please turn on AmazonSmile and point your donations toward SCES!  

Sign Up for AmazonSmile:  

1. http://smile.amazon.com

2. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.

3. Choose Sligo Creek Elementary School as your charity of choice.

4. Add a bookmark for http://smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.

Turn on AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app:

1. Open the App and find 'Settings' in the main menu.

2. Tap on 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile in the App.  


Scan Receipts for BOX TOPS  

1. Download the BOX TOP$ for Education App  

2. Select Sligo Creek Elementary School (zip code 20910).  

3. Look for the BOX TOP$ logo when shopping.  

4. Scan your grocery receipts within 14 days of purchasing.


Mabel's Labels  

If you find yourself needing some personalized name labels, please consider supporting this fundraiser, and the PTA will earn 20% from your purchase! Your labels will ship to your house for free. They're great for lunch boxes, backpacks, clothes, shoes -- you name it!  

To purchase, go to campaigns.mabelslabels.com and search for "Sligo Creek ES PTA." 

This fundraiser will run continuously, so it will be there whenever you have a labeling need.

AmazonSmile, BoxTops, CocaCola GIVE and Harris Teeter logos
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