Originally delivered on 11/9/2020 1:08 pm

SUBJECT: SCES PTA Post Nov 9 - 13

Week of Nov. 9 - Nov. 13

Important Upcoming Dates:

Nov. 9 No School (Professional day for teachers) 
Nov. 9  
Salamander Stride Spirit Week Begins!   
Nov. 9  
Antiracism Book Club @ 8 PM  
Nov. 10 
Stride Spirit Week: Team Gear Day
Nov. 10   
Meeting of Antiracism Parent Group @ 8 PM  
Nov. 11  
Stride Spirit Week: Crazy Hat Day 
Nov. 11  
New Wednesday Schedule Begins  
Nov. 11 
PTA Meeting @ 8 PM  
Nov. 12  
Stride Spirit Week: School Colors Day   
Nov. 12  
School Materials Pick-Up 9:30 AM - 3 PM 
Nov. 13  
Stride Spirit Week: Pajama Day  
Nov. 23-25  
Early release days  
Nov. 26-27  
No school (Thanksgiving holiday)    

This is a weekly e-newsletter compiled by the SCES PTA to share current and upcoming school events and other information important to our school community. Please subscribe directly under your profile on the PTA website and encourage all SCES families to sign up. If you have questions, contact communications@scespta.org.

Virtual Salamander Stride Week 2020 Begins!

Find all the information you need about Spirit Week, Prizes, Printable Race Bib, and Setting up your Fundraising Page HERE! 

Get ready to 'stride by setting up your fundraising page! Once you sign into the PTA website your student's page fills itself out!  


As of today, we are 25% of the way to our goal of raising $30,000 to support the activities and programs that make SCES Special. Not a bad start, but we have a long way to go to meet our goal!

If you would like to share pictures with the community of your student 'Striding with their race bibs & SCES tee, please email images to stride@scespta.org.

If we meet our goal of raising $30,000 Mr. RAND WILL SLIME HIMSELF! 

Find all the information you need about Spirit Week, Prizes, and Setting up your Fundraising Page HERE! 

**Important Survey**

Looking for a chance to provide feedback on your experience with SCES and distance learning? 

This survey asks some important questions. We strongly encourage you to take a few minutes to respond so the school can make accurate assessments. 



Antiracism Book Club - Tonight (Nov. 9)

For our November antiracist book selection we’re reading Caste by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Isabel Wilkerson. Whether you've finished the book, just started reading it, or haven't gotten your hands on it yet and would prefer to listen to a podcast discussion with the author-- we encourage everyone to come and be in community with other SCES parents tonight (Monday, Nov. 9). 

Here is a link to a podcast with Isabel Wilkerson and Ezra Klein:  

November 9th, 8pm on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 874 3534 3765 
Passcode: 570183 

Toward an Antiracist SCES Parent Group Meeting - Tuesday, Nov 10 @ 8pm

We aim to be an inclusive group of parents and guardians with many different backgrounds and lived experiences, who are interested in reinvigorating work to identify and dismantle all forms of racism within the Sligo Creek community.   

  • Learn about current antiracism efforts and commitments within our school community   

  • Build relationships with other SCES parents & guardians who share a commitment to antiracism   

  • Understand the purpose of and help promote robust participation in the forthcoming schoolwide survey    

All are welcome!   

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 897 6324 0115  
Passcode: 623925   

Changes to the SCES/SSIMS Construction Proposal

MCPS has revised the proposal for construction at the combined SCES and SSIMS campus. SSIMS will receive lower funding than previously planned and changes will focus exclusively on moving the PE department & gym from the field house to the currently-closed auditorium and on security-oriented improvements.  Other improvements in prior plans, including those to SCES, are being abandoned.  Net savings will be diverted to an addition to Highland View ES to relieve overcrowding. 

This change in planning did not involve engagement with the SCES community. However, the SCES PTA anticipates significant impacts to the SCES community, as MCPS has indicated that students will stay at the SCES/SSIMS campus during construction. The PTA's Construction Committee submitted written testimony at last week's Boundaries and Facilities public hearings requesting that the Board of Education not accept this proposal until effective engagement has occurred. To date, there has been no indication that the BOE or MCPS is pursuing our request. 

Any opportunity for us to provide further input would be at the end of this week, either as testimony (if the hearing is held) or as a letter to the BOE.  

We will discuss these changes to the SCES/SSIMS construction proposal and any action the SCES PTA may want to take at the PTA Meeting on Wednesday at 8 PM. 

PTA Meeting - Wednesday, Nov. 11 @ 8 PM

Zoom Meeting 


Meeting ID: 441 142 5904

Passcode: 3e0iqL

Spirit Wear and Yearbooks

We ordered extra SCES T-shirts! If you missed the order forms that went around last month, orders can still be placed here:  

https://scespta.membersh iptoolkit.com/form/m/129793 

Reminder: ALL kindergarteners get a t-shirt, which should be included with your materials at pick-up last week or this week. 

Most of the purchased spirit wear has been picked up, but if you haven't had a chance to get yours yet, please email Jolyn at jlsenne@yahoo.com

Jolyn also has some extra yearbooks from last year for sale. If you're still looking for a 2019-2020 yearbook, please contact her.  

Changes to Wednesday Schedule

Changes to the Wednesday schedule will take effect starting November 11, 2020 (the start of the second marking period). The goal of this schedule revision is to reduce screen time, provide time for students to receive special education or related services, work on their own or in small groups, and to complete assignments.  

Changes are summarized below:     

  •  All students will continue to log in each Wednesday at 9 a.m. and will meet with their teachers for a 30-minute class meeting.  
  • There will be two learning blocks on Wednesday mornings. Block #1 follows the class meeting and is from 9:30-10:15 a.m. During this time, students will work independently or receive services.  
  • At 10:15 a.m., students will reconnect with the entire class and teachers for closure and will receive clarification on what they will be doing during Block #2.  
  • Block #2 is from 10:30-11:30 a.m. During the second block, students will engage in work that is self-guided or will include support from paraeducators and related service providers.  
  • Schedules for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, as well as Wednesday afternoons, remain unchanged.
Thursday, Nov. 12 - Materials Pick-Up

SCES will distribute Quarter 2 curriculum materials on Thursday, November 12th from 9:30 am-3:00 pm.  

SCES will offer additional pick-up times for families who can’t make it on Thursday.


  1. French Immersion Pick Up - All French Immersion materials will be picked up in the school car circle.   
  2. Academy Pick Up - All Academy Materials will be picked up in the back lot next to our cafeteria. There will be a person guiding traffic.  
  3. Those who are walking will have designated spots in both areas to pick up materials. 


  • Have a sign in the car displaying the names and grade levels of the students for whom you are picking up materials.  
  • Stay in your vehicle; materials will be delivered to you. 
  • No Chromebooks will be distributed at this time. If you require a Chromebook, please contact the main office for assistance. 
  • All families are welcome to come when it is most convenient within the scheduled time.  

If a family is unable to pick up on this date, please email Ms. Terry, at Vanessa_l_Terry@mcpsmd.org or Ms. Saunders, at robyn_n_saunders@mcpsmd.org.