Originally delivered on 5/16/2022 2:33 pm

SUBJECT: SCES PTA Post April May 16-20

Week of May 16-20

Important Upcoming Dates:

May 17GeoBowl
May 18Early Dismissal
May 19-20Field Day
May 26STEAM Science Fair
May 30Memorial Day - No School

This is a weekly e-newsletter compiled by the Sligo Creek Elementary School (SCES) PTA to share current and upcoming school events and other information important to our school community. Please subscribe directly under your profile on the PTA website. We encourage all SCES families to sign up. Previous issues of the newsletter are available on the PTA website here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter.


Para leer el boletin, de click con el boton derecho del raton (mouse). Elija "traducir" seleccionando "espanol". Use el navegador the internet Google Chrome o MIcrosof Edge.  


Pour lire la newsletter en français, ouvrez-la à l'aide du navigateur Internet Chrome ou Microsoft Edge. Faites un clic droit et choisissez "Traduire" puis sélectionnez le français. 


።berarÄ« werek’etuni be’āmarinya lemanibebi ye Chrome yebeyinemerebi āsashi bemet’ek’emi yikifetuti ፡፡ bek’enyi t’ek’i yadirigu ina “terigumi” ni merit’ewi kezÄ«ya āmarinyani yimiret’u።    

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The PTA Post is online here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter 

Minutes from PTA Meetings are posted online here:


PTA Officers Needed for 2022-2023

We need to fill a few important positions on the SCES PTA Board for next year:

  • President: Ideal for a parent of a 2nd or 3rd grader, someone who's been at the school for a few years but also--anyone with a desire to serve our community, integrate fully with our staff and our board, and provide our students and staff with the best possible environment in which to learn and work. If you can host a few meetings a month (board and General PTA meetings) and meet with Ms. Nesmith on a regular basis, this position might be a good one for you.
  • Executive Vice-President: This is a position for someone who wants to serve on the board and be of general help to the community. The Executive VP identifies volunteers, coordinates student assistance, and generally helps the president and board to carry out the PTA's priorities for the year. 
  • CO-Vice President of Events & Fundraising: We're seeking a co-VP to serve alongside Veronica Elizalde. This is such a fun, exciting and important position. Events are a huge part of what makes the school special, and the PTA plays a big role in planning and funding them. You have lots of help on the board, and a fantastic co-VP. 

If you have any interest, please reach out! Contact our president Rick Bacon at president@scespta.org.

Congratulations on Completing Screen-Free Week!

The PTA Wellness Committee would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing Screen-free Week May 2-8. What an accomplishment!  

Tamar Bleimund
Leora Breman
Amelia Hall
Elise Hall
Carolina Hendricks
Jojo Hendricks
Sami Kanthor
Zamir Kanthor
Raphael Lebleu
Isabel Rae
Dara Sunderland

Map of Europe
GeoBowl is Tomorrow, May 17

The GeoBowl is happening tomorrow during the following times.  

3rd Grade:  2:45 – 3:25 PM  

4th Grade:  1:50 – 2:30 PM  

5th Grade:  9:40 – 10:20 AM  

Parent Attendance:  The GeoBowl will be held in the outdoor classroom (weather permitting) and parents may come to cheer on their team.  If you are interested in attending – please fill out the RSVP form.  

Logo saying STEAM Science Fair surrounded by images of water droplets, light bulb, beaker, apple, flame, notepad, leaf, pencil, etc.
STEAM Science Fair - May 26

Click here for a flyer. 

We invite students in Grades K-3 to show off their STEAM skills!  (Participation is completely optional.)



Kindergarten: Make a drawing of your dream LEGO creation

1st Grade: Make a drawing that is land/earth-themed  

2nd Grade: Create a water-themed display in a shoebox*  

3rd Grade: Create an air-themed display in a shoebox*   

*or a small box of comparable size  


SUBMIT YOUR STEAM SCIENCE FAIR ENTRYDrop off your submissions in the box at the Main office by or before Friday, May 20 @ 3 pm.  


PRIZES: Photos of all entries will be featured in the PTA Post Newsletter. The top grade-level winners will be announced during morning announcements during the week of May 23 and receive a prize.

Field Day Volunteers for May 19-20

Want to spend some time with the famous Mr. B, phys ed teacher extraordinaire, and help our students have an amazing Field Day? Sign up below! No training is required.

If you can only assist for an hour or so during the day, that's totally fine. Just email Mr. B to let him know when you can make it: Julian_B_Brinsoniii@mcpsmd.org

K-2nd Grade: Thursday, May 19

3rd Grade-5th Grade: Friday, May 20


Volunteer at Lunch and Recess

Volunteer for lunch and/or recess this week and enjoy some time with the kids. They LOVE to see and interact with kind grownups in the lunchroom and at recess. Seriously, it will make your day (and theirs). Thank you for supporting our school!  


Image of a sticky note with
Drinks and Snacks for Staff Lounge

Let's end the year with a few more weeks of showing our awesome staff how much we appreciate all that they do. Sign-up to contribute goodies to the staff lounge here:  


SCES Book Share Sign-Up

The annual SCES Book Share is coming up June 7-9!  

We love sending students home for the summer with books that they're excited to read. The Book Share is like a book fair, but the books are free!  You can assist students as they pick out which books they'd like to take home. A book lover's dream job!

(All books are donated by our community. If you have books in either French or English to donate, please contact Carrie Callaghan at carrie468@yahoo.com.)  

Sign-up to volunteer for a shift or two:


Image of documents and a magnifying glass
Volunteers Needed for PTA Financial Review

The PTA seeks three volunteers to serve on a financial review committee. The committee will review the books for the PTA as soon as they close in early July, as a second look to make sure things balance and there aren't any discrepancies. It's required by Free State PTA and MCCPTA, and we're grateful if you might consider serving our community in this way. This is a one-time commitment. Please email treasurer@scespta.org if you're able to assist.  

Easy Ways to Support SCES

SCES has received more than $500 from AmazonSmile so far this year. Please turn on AmazonSmile and point your donations toward SCES!  

Sign Up for AmazonSmile:  

1. http://smile.amazon.com

2. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.

3. Choose Sligo Creek Elementary School as your charity of choice.

4. Add a bookmark for http://smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.

Turn on AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app:

1. Open the App and find 'Settings' in the main menu.

2. Tap on 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile in the App.  


Scan Receipts for BOX TOPS  

1. Download the BOX TOP$ for Education App  

2. Select Sligo Creek Elementary School (zip code 20910).  

3. Look for the BOX TOP$ logo when shopping.  

4. Scan your grocery receipts within 14 days of purchasing.


Mabel's Labels  

If you find yourself needing some personalized name labels, please consider supporting this fundraiser, and the PTA will earn 20% from your purchase! Your labels will ship to your house for free. They're great for lunch boxes, backpacks, clothes, shoes -- you name it!  

To purchase, go to campaigns.mabelslabels.com and search for "Sligo Creek ES PTA." 

This fundraiser will run continuously, so it will be there whenever you have a labeling need.

AmazonSmile, BoxTops, CocaCola GIVE and Harris Teeter logos
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