Originally delivered on 11/14/2024 4:15 pm

SUBJECT: SCES PTA Post November 14, 2024

November 14-30, 2024

Important Upcoming Dates:

November 21Save the date: Family Reading Night at SCES!
November 25Early Release at 1:20 pm
November 26Early Release at 1:20 pm
November 27-29No School
December 3PTA Meeting in person & on Zoom 7pm
December 9-13Scholastic Book Fair

Next PTA Meeting, December 3rd at 7pm in Person & Zoom

Please join us for the next PTA meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd at 7pm. It will take place in the Media Center at SCES and on Zoom. For those attending in person, childcare will be provided on site.

Salamander Stride 2024 - What a Success!

The Salamander Stride was a huge success, THANK YOU to everyone who contributed their time, effort and support to reach our goal and beyond!

Salamanders, you really stepped up this year and our hearts are full! We have funded the full PTA budget for the year and will look to add more opportunities to continue to make Sligo Creek a great community and place to learn. We had a goal to raise $38,000 for the Salamander Stride, to build upon the success of last year's event and YOU DID IT! You helped us to break a record again as we're on our way to raising nearly $45,000!!! 

Thank you to everyone for pitching in! The funding will benefit every class and every student over the year!

Also, a HUGE shout out to all the volunteers who helped at the Stride and leading up to the event. We clocked in over 80 volunteers - an amazing effort by our community, who pitched in to not only reach our goal, but to help us build community through the event itself. Thank you! 

Here are the prize winners (and some great photos - check out the link!) for this year's Salamander Stride


Thank you again for your support of the PTA and our school community. Sligo Creek is a special place for our students to learn because of YOU! 

With gratitude,

Laura Fruge and Katey Prudhomme

Salamander Stride co-chairs

New Order of Spirit Wear until November 21

We have a lot of school spirit this year and the PTA has run out of Hoodies and T-Shirts already!! 

Good news! We are ordering more T-Shirts and Hoodies! If we didn't have your size at the Salamander Stride or if your kiddo has been asking for a hoodie, now is your chance to place that order! Items will be delivered in early December and will be here in time for the winter and the holiday season.

ORDER DEADLINE is NOON - November 21, 2024! Order now (because this is the last time!)

Spirit Wear Order  Form: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/form/m/313316

Family Reading Night! November 21 at 6:30PM

Join us on Thursday, November 21 from 6:30 to 8:00pm for Family Reading Night at SCES. Meet some of your child's favorite book characters who will read and lead activities with the kids. Readings will be in English, French and Spanish. 

Room Parent Update

Thanks to all those parents who helped make Fall Festival a success! This week, we will start assigning staff for winter giving and we will be seeking classes to take on additional staff. Thank you!

The One Community Meets in December!

The first One Community Sub-committee meeting is starting-up this December!  Please contact Rosarie.tucci@gmail.com if you are interested to join. We’ll develop objectives together such as exploring outreach to our diverse communities, unpacking the school’s diversity data, and enhancing french immersion and academy collaboration.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!


Follow-us on Instagram: @Socialsligocreekespta

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