Originally delivered on 1/17/2022 4:08 pm

SUBJECT: SCES PTA Post Jan. 17 - Jan. 21

Week of Jan. 17 - Jan. 21

Important Upcoming Dates:

Jan. 17MLK Day  - No School
Jan. 24End of quarter - No School
Feb. 1Professional Day - No School (subject to change if needed due to emergency closures)
Feb. 21Holiday - No School

This is a weekly e-newsletter compiled by the Sligo Creek Elementary School (SCES) PTA to share current and upcoming school events and other information important to our school community. Please subscribe directly under your profile on the PTA website. We encourage all SCES families to sign up. Previous issues of the newsletter are available on the PTA website here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter.


Para leer el boletin, de click con el boton derecho del raton (mouse). Elija "traducir" seleccionando "espanol". Use el navegador the internet Google Chrome o MIcrosof Edge.  


Pour lire la newsletter en français, ouvrez-la à l'aide du navigateur Internet Chrome ou Microsoft Edge. Faites un clic droit et choisissez "Traduire" puis sélectionnez le français. 


።berarÄ« werek’etuni be’āmarinya lemanibebi ye Chrome yebeyinemerebi āsashi bemet’ek’emi yikifetuti ፡፡ bek’enyi t’ek’i yadirigu ina “terigumi” ni merit’ewi kezÄ«ya āmarinyani yimiret’u።    

በራሪ ወረቀቱን በአማርኛ ለማንበብ የ Chrome የበይነመረብ አሳሽ በመጠቀም ይክፈቱት ፡፡ በቀኝ ጠቅ ያድርጉ እና “ተርጉም” ን መርጠው ከዚያ አማርኛን ይምረጡ   


The PTA Post is online here: https://scespta.membershiptoolkit.com/pta-post-newsletter 

Wishing you a meaningful Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. 


The most recent MCPS Community Update (Jan. 13) includes information about take-home rapid test kits, KN95 mask distribution, and factors that MCPS will consider for possible transition to virtual learning: 


As parents/caregivers, here are some important things we can do. 

  • If your child is showing symptoms that could be associated with COVID, whether they are vaccinated or not, please keep them home and have them tested for COVID BEFORE returning to school.  
  • If your child tests positive for COVID, regardless of vaccination status or symptoms, keep them home for 10 calendar days and consult with school administration before returning to school.   
  • Report your student's test results, POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE, using this quick Google form.  Results are compiled by MCPS, reported to local schools, and will be used to make decisions about in-person learning.  Complete this form every time you test and report results accurately.  
  • Sign your child up for the "Say Yes To The Test" program at school, for rapid and random testing. Results are reported directly to parents and MCPS. There is no cost to participate. Use this link to sign up.  

Decisions about school closures, including individual school closures, are made directly by MCPS Central Office and not by SCES administration.

As of Monday, Jan. 17 it appears that all SCES buses are running tomorrow, but please be sure to check back in the morning:  


Silver Knights Chess Club flyer
Silver Knights Afterschool Chess Club

Silver Knights Chess Club meets from 4-5 PM on Wednesdays at SCES. 

The next session begins on Feb. 16 and ends on May 18 (no meeting on days when school is out or early dismissal days). 

Registration link - 


SSIMS 5th Grade Parent Information Night flyer
SSIMS 5th Grade Parent Night

Flyer in English and Spanish:


5th Grade Parent Night - Articulation

January 19, 2022 at 6:30pm

We will discuss: 

- A Typical School Day at SSIMS

- Course Request Process

- Articulation Timeline

- Course Overview

Join us over Zoom or watch the recording on our website.


Webinar ID: 857 4805 7244

Passcode: ssims

Or one tap mobile: 301-715-8592

Process & Timeline for Selecting the SCES Principal

The attached letter (PDF) contains important information about the timeline and process for the selection of the principal of Sligo Creek Elementary School. It's been a rocky few years, and our staff, students, and families deserve thoughtful, consistent, empathetic leadership. (For the record, the PTA board thinks Ms. Nesmith has given us all of this and more.) 

Jennifer Webster, Ed.D., Director of Learning, Achievement, and Administration, offers a survey for community input and a Zoom link to a Community Informational Meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 7:00 pm in her letter, along with additional details about the timeline for hiring our new principal. Please take the time to read it over and to provide your input.  

In addition to the survey on the characteristics you would like to see in a principal, a select group of staff, parents, and students will be invited to join the interview panel. Let's take this chance to be a vocal, engaged community and ensure that our school is set up to succeed with a long-term leader in place.

Stock the Staff Lounge

It may seem like a small thing, but staff at SCES really, truly appreciate the effort made this year to provide them with pick-me-ups throughout the day. There are many open slots for this week's stocking of the staff lounge. If you're heading out to do some shopping today, please consider picking up a treat, drinks, etc. for our hard-working teachers, paraeducators, building maintenance, and administrative staff.  


The Teacher Appreciation Committee prefers that items are dropped off or mailed to Katie's house. Please contact Katie for the address at katevdk@gmail.com.  


PTA Teacher Appreciation Committee  

Katie Ryan & Tracie Siddiqui 

Image of microwave cart in Staff Lounge with
Photo of baskets of fruit and box of croissants in Staff Lounge at SCES
Easy Ways to Support SCES

SCES has received nearly $300 from AmazonSmile so far this year. Please turn on AmazonSmile and point your donations toward SCES!  

Sign Up for AmazonSmile:  

1. http://smile.amazon.com

2. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.

3. Choose Sligo Creek Elementary School as your charity of choice.

4. Add a bookmark for http://smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.

Turn on AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app:

1. Open the App and find 'Settings' in the main menu.

2. Tap on 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile in the App.  


Scan Receipts for BOX TOPS  

1. Download the BOX TOP$ for Education App  

2. Select Sligo Creek Elementary School (zip code 20910).  

3. Look for the BOX TOP$ logo when shopping.  

4. Scan your grocery receipts within 14 days of purchasing.


Mabel's Labels  

If you find yourself needing some personalized name labels, please consider supporting this fundraiser, and the PTA will earn 20% from your purchase! Your labels will ship to your house for free. They're great for lunch boxes, backpacks, clothes, shoes -- you name it!  

To purchase, go to campaigns.mabelslabels.com and search for "Sligo Creek ES PTA." 

This fundraiser will run continuously, so it will be there whenever you have a labeling need.

AmazonSmile, BoxTops, CocaCola GIVE and Harris Teeter logos
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